
AQUINAS COLLEGE – New Staff Breakout and Admin

– Reconfiguring entry points to the building to ensure security for the students and staff as well as compliance within a heritage building. – Installation of partitions and full height glazing, around the heritage windows to create new office and meeting spaces for the Principal and Executive team. – Maintaining the integrity of the building, the fit out was sensitive to its status, ensuring that it heritage was not compromised. – Extensive feature lighting was installed to modernise the space, becoming a welcoming, less formal area to students, as well as enhance the natural light that was let in only by highlight windows. – As a result of our successful works and collaboration with the key stakeholders we subsequently have been awarded two further projects at the College.

Set within a category a heritage building, this project was the first stage of the staff relocation masterplan, requiring refurbishment of an existing space to create new offices, student centre, meeting rooms and support areas.


Aquinas College

Project Designer

Parry & Rosenthal

Services Consultant